


  1. The cessation of life and all associated processes; the end of an organism's existence as an entity independent from its environment and its return to an inert, nonliving state.
  2. The cessation of life and all associated processes; the end of an organism's existence as an entity independent from its environment and its return to an inert, nonliving state.
  3. The personification of death as a (usually male) hooded figure with a scythe; the Grim Reaper.
  4. The collapse or end of something.
  5. The collapse or end of something.
  6. Spiritual lifelessness.

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The   description   ends   abruptly   during   the  Count's  War perhaps   because of  Helgesen's  death

Die Beschreibung endet abrupt während des Kriegskrieges, vielleicht wegen des Todes von Helgessen.
