


  1. The cross on which Jesus died and, in metonymical uses, such as to refer to Christ's suffering in general.
  2. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  3. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  4. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  5. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  6. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  7. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  8. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  9. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  10. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  11. A number of places with the name "Cross":
  12. A number of places with the name "Cross":


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" The   Cross is   a
  local   booklet   produced   monthly   by   the   Anglican   church

"The Cross" ist eine lokale Broschüre, die von der anglikanischen Kirche monatlich produziert wird.
