


  1. inflection of weit: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular comparative degree ## strong nominative/accusative plural comparative degree ## weak nominative all-gender singular comparative degree ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular comparative degree
  2. inflection of weit: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular comparative degree ## strong nominative/accusative plural comparative degree ## weak nominative all-gender singular comparative degree ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular comparative degree
  3. inflection of weit: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular comparative degree ## strong nominative/accusative plural comparative degree ## weak nominative all-gender singular comparative degree ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular comparative degree
  4. inflection of weit: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular comparative degree ## strong nominative/accusative plural comparative degree ## weak nominative all-gender singular comparative degree ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular comparative degree



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Es   folgten   zwei
  weitere   deutsche   Meisterschaften   mit   Turbine .

This was followed by two more German championships with a turbine.

Später   folgten   weitere   Rollen   in   größeren  Hollywoodproduktionen,  wie  "Shooter"  und  " In  the Electric  Mist ".

Later, other roles in major Hollywood productions followed, such as "Shooter" and "In the Electric Mist".
