
Bedeutung (Englisch)

  1. (first-person,form-of,preterite,singular,third-person) inflection of spielen:
  2. (first-person,form-of,singular,subjunctive-ii,third-person) inflection of spielen:




  1. (intransitive,weak) to play (engage in some activity for fun or entertainment)
  2. (transitive,weak) to play, to engage in (a game, a sport, etc.)
  3. (transitive,weak) to play, to perform (a piece of music, a role in theater or a movie)
  4. (transitive,weak) to play, to listen to (a radio, a recording, etc.)
  5. (transitive,weak) to play, to perform on (a musical instrument)
  6. (transitive,weak) to act like, to behave like
  7. (intransitive,weak) to take place, to be set (in a particular time or place; of fiction)


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Auf   internationaler   Bühne   spielte  Brown  zweimal   für   sein   Heimatland   Kanada

On the international stage, Brown played twice for his home country of Canada.

Roger Bonvin  spielte   eine   wesentliche   Rolle   beim   Bau   des  Furka-Basistunnels.

Roger Bonvin played an essential role in the construction of the Furka Base Tunnel.

Dafür   spielte   die   nötige   brandenburgische   Unterstützung   im   Spanischen  Erbfolgekrieg  eine   Rolle .

For this, the necessary Brandenburg support played a role in the War of the Spanish Succession.

Somit   spielte   der   Klub   zur  Folgesaison  weiter   im   Unterhaus .

Thus, the club continued to play in the House of Commons for the following season.

In   der   Produktion   von  action concept  spielte   er
  den  Einsatzleiter " Ingo   Bender ".

In the production of action concept, he played the head of operations "Ingo Bender".

Neben   ihrer  Fernseharbeit  spielte  Guilbert  an
  vielen   regionalen   Theatern .

In addition to her television work, Guilbert played at many regional theatres.
