


Pronunciat com a (IPA)


  1. to pass, pass through, pass over, cross
  2. to pass by, go by, pass through
  3. to pass, elapse, to be spent in
  4. to penetrate, affect, pass on to, pass over to
  5. to surpass, exceed, outdo, outstrip, outrun
  6. to be current, be in use, be valid, be in effect
  7. to be in demand, sell, be popular, be in vogue
  8. to get rotten, dry up, spoil
  9. to go over, revise


Comenceu a aprendre turc amb learnfeliz .

Practica parlar i memoritzar " geçmiş " i moltes altres paraules i frases a turc .

Aneu a la nostra pàgina del curs turc
Fakat   geçmiş  tarihçilerin işidir.

But the past belongs to the historians ...

"Modası  geçmiş   ahlak  kaidelerini unut!"  dedi   ve  elini uzatmadan ayrıldı.

He said, "Forget the old-fashioned morals!" and left without extending a hand.
