


Amb guionet com
Pronunciat com a (IPA)

Deverbal from deixar (“to leave; to allow”).


  1. to leave; to exit (to go out of or away from a place)
  2. to leave (to refrain from taking)
  3. to leave (to cause to exist after its occurrence)
  4. to leave (to cause to be in a state)
  5. to leave (to end one’s connection, affiliation or relationship with)
  6. to quit (to stop doing something habitually)
  7. not to do something; to refrain from
  8. (ditransitive, auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal or personal (proscribed) infinitive for the second object) to let; to allow to (to give permission to)
  9. (ditransitive, auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal or personal (proscribed) infinitive for the second object) to let (to give possibility to)
  10. to postpone until; to put off (to reschedule or avoid doing something until a later time)
  11. to leave; to bequeath (to give something to someone after dying or leaving)
  12. to leave off; to omit (not to include)
  13. to leave alone (not to bother)
  14. to make someone feel a certain way


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