


  1. verbal noun of zdać
  2. sentence (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate)
  3. mind, take (judgment, opinion, or view)
  4. proposition (assertion which may be considered true or false)
  5. phrase (four-bar part of a musical piece constituting a logical whole)

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Pronunciat com a (IPA)


  1. to pass (to receive a sufficient mark so as not to fail on a test) [+ na (accusative) = what subject/department]
  2. to pass (to receive a sufficient mark so as to continue education in the next semester or year)
  3. to turn over, to hand over, to surrender (to officially transfer to someone i.e. an object or position) [+dative = to whom]
  4. used as a light verb
  5. to refer (to rely on someone for something) [+ na (accusative) = to whom]
  6. to be good for (to be useful in a particular situation) [+ do (genitive)] or [+ na (accusative) = for what]
  7. to seem, to appear (to give a particular impression) [+instrumental = as whom/what], [+dative = to whom], [+infinitive = to be/do]


Comenceu a aprendre polonès amb learnfeliz .

Practica parlar i memoritzar " zdanie " i moltes altres paraules i frases a polonès .

Aneu a la nostra pàgina del curs polonès
" Już   ostatnie   zdanie   było   jakby  wydechem szeptane."

"Already the last sentence was as if whispered by exhalation."
