


third-person plural present of tworzyć

Amb guionet com
Pronunciat com a (IPA)

  1. to create (to bring into existence)
  2. to create (to cause, to bring (a non-object) about by an action, behavior, or event, to occasion)
  3. to create (to make or produce from other (e.g. raw, unrefined or scattered) materials or combinable elements or ideas; to design or invest with a new form, shape, function, etc.)
  4. to form (to be part of a group)
  5. to form (to take the form of something)
  6. to create (to compose or write a creative work)
  7. (obsolete) to thin (to add water and cause to become thinner)
  8. to be created
  9. to appear, to arise (to begin to exist)


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