chyba nie


perhaps no (delicate no; used in politely declining)

Pronunciat com a (IPA)
/ˈxɨ.ba ɲɛ/


Comenceu a aprendre polonès amb learnfeliz .

Practica parlar i memoritzar " chyba nie " i moltes altres paraules i frases a polonès .

Aneu a la nostra pàgina del curs polonès
Ale   tego   chyba nie   myślisz   na serio .

But I don't think you're serious about that.

Pamięć  ulatuje  i
  ludziom   chyba nie   zależy żeby   pamiętać .

Memory is slipping away and people probably do not care to remember.

Nawet   fajne   świecidełko ale   chyba nie   mamy   na   to  hajsu.

Even a nice trinket, but I don't think we have the money for it.
