


  1. inflection of worden: ## second/third-person singular present indicative ## (archaic) plural imperative
  2. inflection of worden: ## second/third-person singular present indicative ## (archaic) plural imperative

Pronunciat com a (IPA)

  1. to become, to get, to grow, to turn
  2. Used to form the imperfect tense of the passive voice, together with a past participle.


Comenceu a aprendre neerlandès amb learnfeliz .

Practica parlar i memoritzar " wordt " i moltes altres paraules i frases a neerlandès .

Aneu a la nostra pàgina del curs neerlandès
Dat   wordt   in   de   toekomst   beslist   nodig .

In the future, it will certainly be necessary to do this.

Ik   denk   dat   elektronisch   geld
  er   veel   sneller   komt   dan   nu   wordt   ingeschat .

I, myself, believe that the rather modest calculations of the pace at which electronic money is going to come into the economy may well prove to be mistaken.
