


Amb guionet com
Pronunciat com a (IPA)


  1. to take care of, to care for
  2. to look after, to look out for, to keep an eye on, to guard, to protect, to watch over, to watch out for (implies doing so with care)
  3. to mind, to watch, to pay attention
  4. to babysit
  5. to keep, to sit on (e.g. one's house, keeping the place in order)
  6. to nurse, to nurture, to tend, to tend to, to attend to (e.g. nurse back to health, to tend a garden or yard, tend to a herd or flock)
  7. to take care, to take care of, to look after, to care for (oneself)
  8. to be careful of/with, to beware, to watch out for, to be wary of (+ de)


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