Paraules i frases
- Unstressed form of zij (feminine singular subject)
- Unstressed form of zij (plural subject)
- Unstressed form of haar (feminine singular object)
- Unstressed form of hen, hun (plural object)
vallen aan
- inflection of aanvallen:
- inflection of aanvallen:
- in, inside
- into
the (definite article, masculine and feminine singular, plural)
side, flank
- on (positioned at the outer surface of; attached to)
- at, on (near; adjacent to; alongside; just off)
- to, indicates the target or recipient of an action
- from, of, because of, as a result of
- about (concerning)
- up to, indicates responsibility
- at (having reached)
- using, abusing, currently occupied with
- at, for, denotes a price
- (obsolete) in, into, followed by an inflected numeral to indicate that something has been split into so many pieces
- to fall, to tumble
- to fall, to begin (of a time period)
- to be able to be
- to be received a certain way, go down