Paraules i frases
- In addition; besides; as well; further; too.
- (obsolete) To the same degree or extent; so, as.
third-person singular simple present indicative of have
An airfield (an area designated for the takeoff and landing of aircraft), including one or more runways and (for commercial airports) one or more passenger terminals.
- Near or next to.
- From one side of something to the other, passing close by; past.
- Not later than (the given time); not later than the end of (the given time interval).
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the creator of a work: Existing through the authorship etc. of.
- Indicates a means of achieving something: Involving/using the means of.
- Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
- Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
- Indicates a means of classification or organisation.
- Indicates the amount of change, difference or discrepancy
- In the formulae X by X and by Xs, indicates a steady progression, one X after another.
- Acted on in units of the specified size or measure. (Sometimes hyperbolically)
- per; with or in proportion to each.
- Indicates a referenced source: According to.
- Used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something.
- Designates a horse's male parent (sire); cf. out of.
The first letter of the English alphabet, written in the Latin script.
- That flies or can fly.
- Brief or hurried.
- Capable of speed
- Not secured by yards.
- Capable of foiling.
- Designating a cattle brand consisting of a letter extended on both sides with tilde-like curved lines.
- The garden where Plato taught.
- Plato's philosophical system based on skepticism; Plato's followers.
- An institution for the study of higher learning; a college or a university; typically a private school.
- A school or place of training in which some special art is taught.
- A society of learned people united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science.
- (obsolete) The knowledge disseminated in an Academy.
- Academia.
- A body of established opinion in a particular field, regarded as authoritative.
- A school directly funded by central government, independent of local control.
- third-person singular simple present indicative of be
- (colloquial) Used in phrases with existential there (also here and where) when the semantic subject is plural.
- present indicative of be; am, are, is.