School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!
Ödevini bitirdin mi ❓ ?
Are you through with your homework?
Aynı zamanda , okulun tüm parası kaybolur.
At the same time, all the school's money is lost.
Emekli bir 1 ilkokul öğretmeniydi.
He was a retired elementary school teacher.
Evet ; mektepten çıktığımızdan beri görüşmedik!
Yeah; we haven't seen each other since we got out of school!
Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp 💊 Fakültesi'nde öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptı.
He served as a faculty member at Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine.
Çocuklar dersteyken Bedri ara sıra sınıfın önünden geçerdi.
Bedri occasionally passed in front of the class while the children were in class.
İstanbul’da leyli mekteplerde geçen ömrü , babasını adamakıllı tanımasına mâni olmuştu.
His life in the Leyli schools in Istanbul prevented him from knowing his father properly.