Let's travel and see what happens when we hit the road.
Li balafirgehê me .
We are at the airport.
Ew 👨 ji malê derketin.
They left the house.
Ew 👨 ji malê derket.
He left the house.
Divê tu hema biçî.
You should go soon.
Çima divê tu biçî Moskowê?
Why should you go to Moscow?
Ez dê 👩🍼 peya 👨 biçim dibistanê.
I will walk to school.
Du 2 ji wan firiyan.
Two of them flew away.
Ez ê tevlî bibim.
I will join.
Hespê boz dibeze.
The gray horse is running.
Ew 👨 nebêhnijî ye.
He is restless.
Ew 👨 ê bibehecin.
They will move.
Ew 👨 araste bûye.
It has been directed.
Kes nizane ez li ku me .
No one knows where I am.
Here hêla rastê.
Go to the right.
Rojeva axaftinê wiha ye.
The agenda is as follows.
We bar kiriye .
You have moved.
Hatina min bû sedema çûna wê .
My arrival caused her to leave.
Wan gotin 🗣️ ku ew 👨 ê vegerin.
They said they would come back.
Em ji nû ve derketin derve.
We went out again.
Erd li derdora royê digere.
The earth moves around the sun.
Trên li ser rêyan dimeşin.
Trains run on rails.
Otobûsa Amedê hatiye.
The bus to Amed has arrived.
Em ê sibê biçin sînemayê.
We will go to the cinema tomorrow.
Kumê min ji rastiyê qetiyaye.
My sand is torn from the truth.
Ew 👨 ê sibê biçe Tokyoyê.
He will go to Tokyo tomorrow.
Bibore, derketin li kîjan hêlê ye?
Excuse me, which way is the exit?
Ew 👨 bi kêfa xwe tev digere.
He moves as he pleases.
Balafira min ji saetekê kêmtir radibe.
My flight leaves in less than an hour.
Bizîvire çepê û rast here.
Turn left and go right.
Em kengî herin serdana hevalê xwe .
When are we going to visit our friend?
Tu dixwazî biçî dereke din ?
Do you want to go somewhere else?
Em diçin balafirgehê, ji kerema xwe bilezînin!
We are going to the airport, please hurry!
Helîkopter li jora çiyê ye.
The helicopter is on top of the mountain.
Li Germanistanê serî li mafê penaberiyê daye .
He applied for asylum in Germany.
Yê dawiya koçê bimîne nagîhîje koçê.
The one who stays at the end of the migration does not reach the migration.
Tom li dora Ewropayê geriya.
Tom traveled around Europe.
Roja duşemê em ê herin avê.
On Monday we will go to the water.
Ez ê berê xwe bidim taxa jêrê.
I will go to the neighborhood below.
Bila ciwanên me belawela nayên girtin .
Let our young people not be caught scattered.
Eger tiştek qewimî pê li min bigere.
If something happened, look for me.
Ji kerema xwe hûn dikarin odeyekê ji min re veqetînin?
Can you reserve a room for me, please?
Min digot qey tu yê piştî nîvro biçî pirtûkxaneyê.
I thought you were going to the library this afternoon.
Beriya ku ji malê derkevim çenteyê xwe amade dikim .
I pack my bag before I leave the house.
Bide kêleka îstasyona trênê û bilezîne!
Pull over to the train station and hurry!
Çûn heye lê veger tune ye.
There is going but there is no coming back.
Koçer biharan bar dikin û diçin zozanan.
Nomads move to the springs and go to the swamps.
Bi rêya kuna gêrîkan jî em dikarin aliyên xwe nas bikin .
We can also know our sides through the holes of the wheels.
Ji bo çûn û hatineke biewle, hinek pîvanên veguhezînê hene.
For a safe arrival and departure, there are some transport criteria.
Deriyên wan tev de li lîwanekê vedibin.
Their doors all open in a corridor.
Her 🔁 têkoşîn û serhildan ji bo kurdan tovek reşandiye û wenda nabe.
Every struggle and rebellion has planted a seed for the Kurds and it will not disappear.
Dema ku mendîlên dezenfektan bên bikaranîn , telîmatên li ser paketkirinê bişopînin.
When using disinfectant wipes, follow the instructions on the package.
Ya ku trafîka bajêr sererast dike , asayîş e.
What regulates the traffic of the city is security.
Ew 👨 ê serê tîra rengtarî bakur û ya rengvekirî jî başûr nîşan bide.
The colored arrowhead will point north and the light colored arrowhead will point south.
Wekî hûn zanin çora Koronayê li serenserê cihanê belav bûye.
As you know, the corona virus has spread all over the world.