Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî) Back to Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî)



The yellow sun 🌞, the brown girl 👧🏽 and a red apple 🍎. Let's talk about colors in Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî).

Hespê boz dibeze.

The gray horse is running.

Rengê  pencereyê  spî

The color of the window is white.

Divê kumekî  şîn
 bidin serê  xwe .

They should put a blue sand on their heads.

Dîwarên mala  me   sor

The walls of our house are red.

Sîwanek  reş
  hewce  ye.

A black umbrella is required.

Li ser  masê kitêbek  reş

There is a black book on the table.

  bi   reng   û  cureyên  xwe  yên cuda, derdora  me   xweşik   dikin .

Flowers make our surroundings beautiful with their different colors and types.

Deriyê mala wan  şîn

The door of their house is blue.

Şahî   bi   rengên  netewî  û  wêneyên şehîdan hatibû  xemilandin .

The celebration was decorated with national colors and pictures of martyrs.

Mêrdîn bajarê kevnar  û   rengîn  ê Kurdan e.

Mardin is the ancient and colorful city of the Kurds.

Kevoka biristik  pir  zana  û  zîrek bû.

The white dove was very knowledgeable and clever.

Zar   di  gûyê  zer
  de bûk   di  fûta  zer
  de  terbiye  dibe .

The bride is dressed in a yellow dress, the bride is dressed in a yellow dress.

Behra  spî
  xweş   û   paqij  e.

The white sea is beautiful and clean.