Learn the names of various sports and activities in Galician.
Antes practicara outros deportes.
I used to play other sports.
Logo traballou como reporteira de deportes na televisión 📺 alemá .
She later worked as a sports reporter on German television.
Finalmente o equipo finalizaría a tempada na derradeira praza con só seis 6 vitorias.
The team would eventually finish the season in last place with only six wins.
Estes foron os últimos Xogos organizados baixo a presidencia do Barón de Coubertin.
These were the last Games organized under the presidency of Baron de Coubertin.
Apuntamentos de ciclismo .
Cycling Appointments.
Continuou activo nas carreiras de automóbiles deportivos .
He remained active in sports car racing.
Actualmente corre para o equipo profesional de categoría continental Medellín.
He currently races for the Continental Medellin professional category team.
Un 🅰️ futbolista do gusto de Óscar García.
A footballer of Oscar Garcia's liking.
Máis adiante foi presidente da Asociación Atlética de Afeccionados.
He later became president of the Amateur Athletic Association.
A pesca deportiva e a navegación son 🔉 dúas 2 das actividades máis frecuentes .
Sport fishing and boating are two of the most frequent activities.
Parte das instalacións dedícanse a voos privados e deportivos .
Some of the facilities are dedicated to private and sports flights.