Get your party hat out and let's see how we celebrate parties in Western Frisian.
Allinne dat feest al koste sa'n oardel miljoen euro.
That party alone cost about one and a half million euros.
De partijen kamen oerien om op 🆙 de folgjende sitting tsjûgen hearre te litten.
The parties agreed to hear witnesses at the next hearing.
No is it
in 🅰️ fakânsjewenning.
Now it is a holiday home.
Dit suksesfolle pear dûnse it
hiele wedstriidseizoen in 🅰️ soad prizen byinoar.
This successful couple danced together many awards throughout the competition season.
De útjouwerij fiert syn hûndertjierrich bestean mei in 🅰️ nije boekesearje.
The publishing house is celebrating its centenary with a new book series.
Dat wurdt dizze simmer 🏖️ fierd mei as hichtepunt saterdei in 🅰️ galakonsert yn de iepenloft.
This will be celebrated this summer with a gala concert in the open air on Saturday.