


instrumental plural of ręka

Koppelteken as
Uitgespreek as (IPA)

  1. upper limb
  2. upper limb
  3. handball (the offence of a player other than the goalkeeper touching the ball with the hand or arm on the field during play)
  4. hand (person that can perform a task, usually one requiring the hands)
  5. hand (person or institution that has the authority or competence or the ability to decide in an issue)
  6. hand (right to marriage)
  7. (obsolete) style of writing
  8. (obsolete) parcel of land
  9. (obsolete) side (one half (especially left or right) of something or someone)


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Oefen praat en memoriseer " rękami " en baie ander woorde en sinne in Pools .

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Stała , odziana  w
  szlafroczek z
  rękami  założonymi  na   piersi .

She was standing, dressed in a bathrobe, with her arms folded over her chest.

Odtrącam  rękami   natrętny   pstrokaty   łeb bronię   ciała   mego   od   jej  dotknięcia.

I knock off the intrusive mottled head with my hands, defending my body from touching it.
