


  1. kind, type
  2. genre (one of three types of literature, lyric, epic or drama)
  3. gender (system of noun concordance)
  4. (colloquial) sex, gender (category, either male or female, into which sexually-reproducing organisms are divided on the basis of their reproductive roles in their species)
  5. genus (category in the classification of organisms)
  6. (obsolete) generation (single step or stage in the succession of natural descent)
  7. (obsolete) tribe; nation; people group
  8. fertility
  9. birth
  10. family, house, bloodline
  11. successor, offspring
  12. ancestor, predecessor
  13. social status
  14. pedigree, line of kinship
  15. kinship, affinity
  16. origin
  17. nature (that which is innate)
  18. beginning
  19. etymology (origin of a word)
  20. harvest, yield (amount of gained food)
  21. harvest, yield (food itself harvested)
  22. generation; birth; Further details are uncertain.

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—  Ach   tak teraz   rozumiem  —  to   też   rodzaj  wróżby.

— Oh, yes, now I understand — it's also a kind of fortune-telling.
