


  1. to show; to point (to display, to have somebody see (something); sometimes with a gesture or one's finger, etc.) [+dative = (to) whom] [+instrumental = with what] [+accusative = what] [+ na (accusative) = at what]
  2. to show (to indicate (a fact) to be true; to demonstrate) [+dative = (to) whom]
  3. to show (to display or reveal one's emotions or intentions) [+dative = (to) whom]
  4. to show (to make something visible or understandable) [+dative = (to_ whom]
  5. to show (to present someone or something in a work of art) [+ w (locative) = in what]
  6. to show (to enable viewing of an artistic work)
  7. to show (to indicate a certain value)
  8. to show (to perform a gesture informing of something) [+instrumental = with what]
  9. to show (to guide or escort) [+dative = to whom]
  10. to do, to perform, to carry out; to achieve, to accomplish
  11. to witness; to mean Further details are uncertain.
  12. to show (to appear; to become visible)
  13. to show; to show oneself; to show up (to come somewhere to meet with others)
  14. to show oneself in a certain light (to give a particular impression) [+ jako (nominative) = as whom]
  15. (obsolete) to appear as a spirit
  16. to happen, to occur, to take place
  17. to be confirmed

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