


  1. barely, scarcely, just
  2. used for emphasis; now
  3. of something that hasn’t started yet and is yet to happen; yet, only
  4. used to mark someone as being the first to do something
  5. (obsolete) for ages, long since
  6. (obsolete) not only; all the more
  7. (obsolete) already
  8. just, only
  9. then (at that time)
  10. finally, at last
  11. go on! keep it up!
  12. now (at the current moment)
  13. now; already; Further details are uncertain.

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" Dopiero   o
  świcie   wrócił   z

"It was only at dawn that he returned from reconnaissance."

To   mi   dopiero   rozmach co   się   zowie !

It's just a momentum, what will it be called!

Ocucił  nas   dopiero   jęk   cichy , przeciągły.

We were awakened by a silent, drawn-out groan.

" Wtedy   dopiero  runęli  piesi  strzelcy gwardyjscy,  starzy , wytrawni  żołnierze ."

"It was only then that the guardsman's foot riflemen, old, seasoned soldiers, fell."

Dopiero   przed   nocą  dotarliśmy  do  niewysokiego  grzbietu   górskiego , porośniętego  lasem .

It was only before night that we reached a low mountain ridge, covered with forest.
