Betekenis (Engels)
- An administrative division of an area.
- An area or region marked by some distinguishing feature.
- An administrative division of a county without the status of a borough.
territorial dominion
city district
tribal area
parcel of land
territory neighborhood
civil parish
residential area
part town
informal settlement
squatter settlement
land Provinces
territorial division
a part a town
part of town
piece of ground
piece of land
local news
regional news
Koppelteken as
Uitgespreek as (IPA)
Etimologie (Engels)
From French district, from Medieval Latin districtus (“a district within which the lord may distrain, also jurisdiction”), from Latin districtus, past participle of distringere (“to draw asunder, compel, distrain”), from dis- (“apart”) + stringere (“to draw tight, strain”).
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