


  1. inflection of spielen: ## first/third-person singular preterite ## first/third-person singular subjunctive II
  2. inflection of spielen: ## first/third-person singular preterite ## first/third-person singular subjunctive II


  1. (intransitive, often with mit (with)) to play (engage in some activity for fun or entertainment)
  2. to play, to engage in (a game, a sport, etc.)
  3. to play, to perform (a piece of music, a role in theater or a movie)
  4. to play, to listen to (a radio, a recording, etc.)
  5. to play, to perform on (a musical instrument)
  6. to act like, to behave like
  7. to take place, to be set (in a particular time or place; of fiction)


Begin leer Duits met learnfeliz .

Oefen praat en memoriseer " spielte " en baie ander woorde en sinne in Duits .

Gaan na ons Duits kursusbladsy
Roger Bonvin  spielte   eine   wesentliche   Rolle   beim   Bau   des  Furka-Basistunnels.

Roger Bonvin played an essential role in the construction of the Furka Base Tunnel.

Dafür   spielte   die   nötige   brandenburgische   Unterstützung   im   Spanischen  Erbfolgekrieg  eine   Rolle .

For this, the necessary Brandenburg support played a role in the War of the Spanish Succession.

Somit   spielte   der   Klub   zur  Folgesaison  weiter   im   Unterhaus .

Thus, the club continued to play in the House of Commons for the following season.

In   der   Produktion   von  action concept  spielte   er
  den  Einsatzleiter " Ingo   Bender ".

In the production of action concept, he played the head of operations "Ingo Bender".

Neben   ihrer  Fernseharbeit  spielte  Guilbert  an
  vielen   regionalen   Theatern .

In addition to her television work, Guilbert played at many regional theatres.
