


  1. to become; to get (to change one’s state)
  2. Forms the present passive voice when followed by a past participle

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Daar   word   vertrou   dat   alle  belanghebbendes  die   inhoud   as  vernuwend  en  interessant  sal  ervaar.

It is trusted that all stakeholders will experience the content as innovative and interesting.

Verduidelik waarom driehoekige vorms  in   die  ontwerp  en  konstruksie  van  dakkappe  gebruik   word .

Explain why triangular shapes are used in the design and construction of skylights.

Tekste weerspieël  ook   die  verskillende kulturele  en  politieke kontekste  waarin   dit
 geskep  word .

Texts also reflect the different cultural and political contexts in which they are created.

Daar   is  kritiek  dat   Somali's  geteister  word   wanneer   hulle  sake  by   die  polisiestasie aanmeld.

There has been criticism that Somalis are harassed when they report cases to the police station.

Steun  aan
  alle   skole   in  finansiële bestuur  en  administrasie  word   op
 deurlopende  grondslag  verskaf.

Support for all schools in financial management and administration is provided on an ongoing basis.
