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The weather

Some people like warm weather, some people like cold weather. Here are some basic sentences so you can talk about the weather.

Hewa   xweş  e.

The weather is good.

Li  derve  hewa  çawa ye?

How is the weather outside?

Ay!  Hewa   çi   xweş  e!

Oh! What a beautiful weather!

Baran   ji    esmanî  nayê .

Rain does not come from that sky.

Baran      here cilan bihevde.

The rain is coming soon, go put your clothes together.

Ajelên Qersê  ji ber  berfê  birçî   man .

The eagles of Qers were starved because of the snow.

Derdor  germ
 dibû  û   bi  germê  re     hewa  hinek  xweş  dibû.

It was getting hotter and the weather was getting nicer with the heat.

Li  çiyayên  Kurdistan  tev bûye  mij   û  moran.

In the mountains of Kurdistan, there is fog and seals.

Di  hawa  sar
  de   xeber   , xeberê  bi  jan.

The news comes in the cold weather, the news is painful.

Hewldana rêkxistina pileya germahiya laş, mînakeke  ji bo  hevsengiya navekî.

Trying to regulate body temperature is an example of a name balance.