School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!
Ez diçim dibistanê.
I am going to school.
Ew 👨 mamoste 🧑🏫 ye.
He is a teacher.
Ev xort diçe dibistanê.
This boy goes to school.
Tu mamoste 🧑🏫 yî .
You are a teacher.
Ji polê dakevin qada dibistanê.
Go down from the classroom to the school grounds.
Tu bêriya dibistanê dikî .
You miss school.
Em xwendekar 🧑🎓 in.
We are students.
Dibistan 🏫 û kolanan dixemilînin .
They decorate schools and streets.
Hûn ê bêriya dibistanê bikin .
You will miss school.
Em ê bêriya dibistanê bikin .
We will miss school.
Ew 👨 bêriya dibistanê dikin .
They miss school.
Ew 👨 bêriya dibistanê dike.
He misses school.
Mamostetî zor e.
Teaching is hard.
Ez ê bibim mamoste 🧑🏫 .
I will be a teacher.
Kê serdana polê kir ?
Who visited the class?
Ew 👨 diçin dibistana seretayî.
They go to primary school.
Sedemên qirêjbûna polê çi ne 🚫 ?
What are the causes of classroom pollution?
Mirov bi pirsê dere qursê.
People come to the course with questions.
Mamoste 🧑🏫 li fêrgehê ye.
The teacher is in the school.
Li ser kevala dibistanê çi hatibû nivîsandin ✍️ ?
What was written on the school board?
Xwendegeh kengî vebû?
When did the school open?
Wî bêriya zanîngehê kiriye .
He missed college.
Wê bêriya zanîngehê kiriye .
She missed college.
Ez ê bêriya dibistanê bikim .
I will miss school.
Em ê bêriya dibistanê nekin .
We will not miss school.
Dildar her 🔁 sibeh diçe dibistanê.
Volunteer goes to school every morning.
Mamoste 🧑🏫 xwendekaran fêrî çi dike?
What does the teacher teach the students?
Wan bêriya zanîngehê kiriye .
They miss college.
Xwendekarên dibistaneke Wanê robotek çêkirin.
Students of a school in Van made a robot.
Îro roja yekem e ku Dîlan diçe dibistanê.
Today is the first day that Dilan goes to school.
Her 🔁 zarok 🧒 xwedî mafên perwerdeyê ye.
Every child has the right to education.
Tu yê bêriya dibistanê bikî .
You will miss school.
Piştî ku ders qediya, xwendekar 🧑🎓 derketin hewşa dibistanê.
After the lesson, the students went out to the school yard.
Samî wê demê diçû dibistana navîn.
Sami was going to high school at that time.
Mamoste 🧑🏫 çîrokekê ji xwendekaran re dibêje .
The teacher tells a story to the students.
Li dibistanê, Rojîn çawa tev digere?
How is Rojin doing at school?
Lîstik bi fîkandina mamoste 🧑🏫 re dest pê dike .
The game starts with the teacher playing.
Ev pirtûk 📖 ji bo dibistanan hatiye pejirandin 🉑 .
This book is approved for schools.
Dibistan 🏫 cihê perwede û ferkirinê ye.
School is a place of education and learning.
Mala te li kîjan aliyê dibistanê ye?
Which side of the school is your house?
Çend saziyên civakî yên bajarê xwe , binivîse.
Write some social institutions of your city.
Xwendekarek nexweş 🤢 ket û demeke dirêj nehat dibistanê.
A student fell ill and did not come to school for a long time.
Zana li xwe mikur hat ku ew 👨 gelek caran ji dibistanê reviyaye.
Zana admitted that she ran away from school many times.
Di refa duyem de , sala we ya xwendinê dê 👩🍼 çawa be?
In the second half, what will your school year be like?