Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî) numbers are relatively easy and straightforward. Here are some sentences with numbers in it so you know how to use them.
Serê salê binê salê.
The top of the year is the bottom of the year.
Dema ger temam dibe , şev 🌃 û rojek çêdibe.
When the cycle is completed, there is a night and a day.
Yek 1 , dudu, sisê, çar 4 .
One, two, three, four.
çekşoya yekem hatiye çêkirin.
The first gun was built.
Hûn ê yekê tenê bînin.
You will only bring one.
Vekirin û girtina tiliyan.
Opening and closing of fingers.
Bîst 20 û pênc 5 navçeyên Enqereyê hene.
There are twenty-five districts in Ankara.
Sî 30 navçeyên Îzmîrê hene.
There are thirty districts in Izmir.
Mirov , dilopek xwîn 🩸 û hezar 1000 endîşe ye.
A person is a drop of blood and a thousand worries.
Çend navçeyên Wanê hene?
How many districts are there?
Sî 30 û neh 9 navçeyên Stenbolê hene.
There are thirty-nine districts in Istanbul.
Bi wê re jî , karê hijmartinê û hwd pirr pêşxistin.
Along with that, the work of counting and so on was greatly developed.
Navnivîska telefonê ya nû 🆕 li vir e!
The new phone number is here!
Lîstikgehek li gorî hejmara xwendekaran tê nîşankirin.
A playground is marked according to the number of students.
Ev hejmar 🔢 ji pêpilkekê pêk tên.
These numbers consist of a number.
Dengên berbijêrên opozîsyonê ji yên Erdogan zêdetir in.
The votes of the opposition candidates are more than those of Erdogan.
Çil hezar 1000 kes ji aliyê bazirganekî ve hatine xapandin .
Forty thousand people were deceived by a merchant.
Di rojeke ku ketibû xeyalên kûr de gavên xwe jimartibûn.
They had counted their steps on a day that had entered into deep dreams.