Time to eat.

An user
Îro   nan

There is no bread today.

An user
Ku   tu   herî  qehwê.

That you have the most coffee.

An user
Ezîz taştê dixwe.

Aziz is eating breakfast.

An user
Ji ber  germê, sebze  û   mêwe  digihêjin.

Because of the heat, vegetables and fruits ripen.

An user
Dema bûz dihele  dibe   çi ?

What happens when the wine melts?

An user
Hirçê  birçî  nalîze.

A hungry bear does not play.

An user
Ev    ye?


An user
Belkî rojê  deh
 tas çayê vedixwe.

He drinks maybe ten cups of tea a day.

An user
Ev  qedeha kê ye?

Whose glass is this?

An user
Çû  ji  tifikê  xwarin

He went and brought food from the spit.

An user
Nanê sêlê  xweş  e.

Celery bread is delicious.

An user
Ev  jole  xweş  in.

These joles are delicious.

An user
Mast    bakterî nikare   çêkirin.

Yogurt cannot be made without bacteria.

An user
Lawik nên dixwe.

The boy is eating bread.

An user
Mast   sed
 carî  mast .

Yogurt a hundred times yogurt.

An user
Beqa avê qurequrê dike.

The frog swallows the water.

An user
Çend   heb  sandwîç  man ?

How many sandwiches are left?

An user
Xwedî   kir   bi  nanê  xwe , berda canê  xwe .

He earned it with his bread, he gave up his life.

An user
çayê vedixwarin  û  galegal dikirin.

they were drinking tea and making galegaal.

An user
Yê  ku  meyweyan dipejrîne  tav  e.

The one who approves the fruits is the sun.

An user
Divê  em  şînatî  û  mêweyên neşuştî, nexwin.

We should not eat unwashed vegetables and fruits.

An user
Seriyek  sîr
 biavêje nava tirşikê.

Throw a head of garlic into the pickle.

An user
Hinek lawir    bi  goştê lawirên  din  dijîn.

Some animals live on the meat of other animals.

An user
Ferqa xwarinan tune  ji bo   her
 xwarinê dixwe.

There is no difference between foods for him, he eats every food.

An user
Fîncanek danî  ser  masê  û  hinek  şîr
 xiste fîncanê.

He put a cup on the table and poured some milk into the cup.

An user
Piştî rûviya  zirav   xwarin
    û  digiheje rûviya stûr.

After the small intestine, food comes and reaches the large intestine.

An user
Xwarina   ku  bidim serxweşên  mîna  we tune.

I have no food to give drunkards like you.

An user
Heya dewê xelkê hat  nan

By the time the people arrived, they ran out of bread.

An user
Di  îskana qirêj  de  avê venexwe.

Do not drink water in a polluted environment.

An user
, lîmon, grîfon  û  mêweyên vê demsalê  ne

Oranges, lemons, griffins and fruits are the fruits of this season.

An user
Ev   demsal , dema çandina  genim
ceh   û  nîskan e.

This season is the time to plant wheat, corn and lentils.

An user
Delîl  Beg taştêya  xwe   xwar   û  rabû çû.

Delil Beg ate his breakfast and got up and left.

An user
Tu  timî dixwî qet jê têr nabî.

You always eat and never get enough.

An user
Keçikê    li ser  taştê rûnişti bû,taştêya  xwe  dixwar.

The girl was also sitting on the breakfast table, eating her breakfast.

An user
Cotkarên zebeşên Amedê  ji  lêçûna zebeşan gilîdar in.

Diyarbakır watermelon farmers are complaining about the cost of watermelons.

An user
Sedemek  din    bandora  xwarinên  suryanî  û   ereb  in.

Another reason is the influence of Syrian and Arabic food.

An user
Li  kovikê dizivire, vedigere  û  pimpimokê dide  hevalê   pey   xwe .

He turns around in the hut, comes back and gives the pimpimok to his friend.

An user
Qoser  di  çandiniya dexlûdan  de   pir  pêşketî ye.

Qoser is very advanced in the cultivation of cereals.

An user
Çawa  ku  mirovên cihanê  li ber  şewba Koronayê  di  xeterê  de   ne

As the people of the world are in danger due to the outbreak of Corona.

An user
Cotkarên Qoserê  ji ber  qutbûna ceyranê îja darên fistqan diçînin.

The farmers of Koser are now planting peanut trees due to the lack of corn.

Food and drinks