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Food and drinks

Time to eat.

_Tes  auga
  canta   queiras   no   pozo .

The water sings what you want in the shaft.

O   río  desbordou  e   auga
  entrou   nas  vivendas.

The river overflowed and water entered the dwellings.

Adoita  tomarse  na  sobremesa  de   xantares  especiais.

It is usually taken in the dessert of special lunches.

Tal   estratexia  denomínase produción  de   ovos  tróficos.

Such a strategy is referred to as trophic egg production.

Extráese  o   zume   e   o   bagazo   continúa   até   o   fin
  onde   é  extraído.

The juice is extracted and the baggage continues until the end where it is extracted.

Esta   dispoñibilidade   permanente   dalgúns   comestibles   xa   cambiou   a  conduta  alimentaria   e  numerosos ritos.

This permanent availability of some foods has already changed the eating behavior and numerous rites.

Transporte  Pasivo mediante potenciais hídricos  favorábeis .

Passive transport by means of favourable water potentials.