Family is where life begins, and love never ends. So here is a collection specially created to address your family.
Anna Kovaltchouk est née dans une famille 👪 de professeurs .
Anna Kovalchuk was born into a family of teachers.
Toujours amoureux ❤️ , Oso espère bien 👍 reconquérir sa famille 👪 .
Still in love, Oso hopes to win back his family.
Elle 👩 fait partie de la région métropolitaine de Pittsburgh.
The average household size was 2.47 and the average family size was 3.00.
Ils ont deux 2 enfants , Pierre-Michel et Marie-Pierre .
They have two children, Pierre-Michel and Marie-Pierre.
Les trois 3 frères furent constructeurs d'automobiles.
The three brothers were automobile manufacturers.
Il 👨 est marié à la productrice et scénariste Ali Marie Matheson.
He is married to producer and screenwriter Ali Marie Matheson.
Une personne 🧑🦱 qui m'est … horriblement chère .
A person who is … horribly dear to me.
Son 🔉 père 👨👦 est un footballeur , ayant évolué en deuxième 2nd division du championnat de Yougoslavie .
His father is a footballer, having played in the second division of the Yugoslav championship.
En revanche , je m’inquiète de savoir comment sera organisée la concertation avec la famille 👪 .
On the other hand, I am worried about how the consultation with the family will be organized.
Le patronyme Engeldinger serait originaire de la commune .
The surname Engeldinger would originate from the commune.
Celle-ci pénètre en force dans l'appartement familial 👪 , blesse grièvement le père 👨👦 .
She forced her way into the family apartment, seriously injuring the father.
Son 🔉 frère 👨👦 cadet , Jean-Joseph-Esprit, suit également la carrière ecclésiastique .
His younger brother, Jean-Joseph-Esprit, also followed the ecclesiastical career.
Il 👨 est le père 👨👦 du basketteur Murray Mendenhall Jr..
He is the father of basketball player Murray Mendenhall Jr.
Son 🔉 petit-fils , Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, fut vice-président des États-Unis
sous Gerald Ford
Her son and his grandson Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, served as Vice President of the United States under Gerald Ford.
Son 🔉 frère 👨👦 , Charles-Philippe-Hubert, recevra la seigneurie du Sart.
His brother, Charles-Philippe-Hubert, received the lordship of Sart.
Edith Oppenheim-Jonas dit s'inspirer de sa propre famille 👪 pour concevoir la bande dessinée .
Edith Oppenheim-Jonas says she was inspired by her own family to design the comic book.
Aminata Touré devient ensuite directrice des programmes de l’Association sénégalaise pour le bien-être familial 👪 .
Aminata Touré then became Director of Programs for the Senegalese Association for Family Welfare.
Quittant Saint-Amand Montrond, sa famille 👪 s'installe à Courbevoie .
Leaving Saint-Amand Montrond, his family settled in Courbevoie.
Son 🔉 frère 👨👦 , Francesc Nin i Serra , a été 🏖️ compositeur et violoniste .
His brother, Francesc Nin i Serra, was a composer and violinist.
En revanche , c’était un mari 🤵 notoirement mauvais 👎 , négligeant Henrietta et l’insultant en public .
On the other hand, he was a notoriously bad husband, neglecting Henrietta and insulting her in public.